Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Confessions of a bad Christian woman

Sweet Christian ladies are like an enigma to me.
Something completely unattainable to me, yet I blindly strived for it for so long.
My loud and obnoxious laugh, sarcastic sense of humour and occasional swearing when I get excited, all made it difficult to even try to live up to the Proverbs 31 woman most days.
I believe in God - passionately and faithfully but there always seemed to be just too much of me and my humaness and not enough holy.
In my quest to grow and become less like me and more like a good woman of faith - I have studied - read books on how to change, poured over blogs of amazing Christian ladies, with their wonderfully immaculate houses and seemingly perfect lives, trying to find the keys to how to change.
I have soaked in their presecnce in Church, hoping that osmosis will make some of their sweet, gentle nature seep into my being.
But ultimately, i'm still me.
And then it hit me...maybe what the world needs right now is some of the realities of being a Christian woman. Maybe our struggles, our vulnerabilities, our problems is what can connect us with one another in deep and meaningful ways and we can grow - together.
Buckle up buttercup, I have a feeling we are in for a wild ride!

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